Aug 13, 2011

July 21st, 2011 Part2 @Glasgow, Scotland
At BBC Scotland, an exhibition called “Eyes of the street” was held. All the pictures were taken by award-winning photographer, David Burnett, and vendors of The Big Issue in Scotland for ten days. The pictures capture smell and breeze of the street, and viewers seemed to be feeling the temperature and humidity of it too.
 Being asked “Do you think this exhibition will affect how Scotland sees its homeless population?” by INSP, David replied like this; we don’t go out and feel like we’ve totally changed the world, but the littlest changes affecting the fewest number of people will always have the greatest impact in the end….as all the technology has taken over in the last twenty years, a lot of that person-to-person touch has been lost, and I think maybe this will make some tiny little step in bringing back some of that personal contact.”
At the site, there were numbers of circle of viewers to talk each other about the exhibitions.

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