Jun 21, 2011

May 13th, 2011 @ Copenhagen, Denmark
Simon, an editor-in-chief of Hus Forbi, welcomed me warmly. This graphic-savvy street magazine got launched in August, 1996, one year after UN social forum was held in Copenhagen.
“Hus Forbi” means “none of my business” and “Hus” does “home” in Danish. Nobody can live without thinking about home but you still keep ignoring this issue? This double-meaning title keeps asking us this question with a spice of Danish humor.
Simon joined Hus Forbi four years ago. The journalist with a master’s degree of development says, “Whether it is in Mozambique or in Copenhagen, poverty brings you the same desperation.”
Having a bond with vendors is joy and sorrow at the same time, he says. “I get along well with a vendor, however my sorrow deepen when I hear that he was trying to commit suicide.”
Roskilde Festival will be added as a pitch this summer and not only Simon but also all the staff and 600 vendors all over Denmark are excited about this news.

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